Next: 5 The Menu Entries
Up: The KGoodStuff Handbook
Previous: 3 Onscreen Fundamentals
- -n, -num <name>:
- Start a child buttonbar as a main instance. This
means you can start more different instances of KGoodStuff and have
them in various parts of your screen.
- -window-managed:
- This will permit KGoodStuff to be window managed.
This meens it then should have a border and a titlebar. This was requested
for some non compatible window managers.
- -s, -disable-session-manager:
- Well it does what it says it just
disables the session manager for KGoodStuff.
Next: 5 The Menu Entries
Up: The KGoodStuff Handbook
Previous: 3 Onscreen Fundamentals
Jürgen Vigna[December 28 2001]